A Celebration of the Life of Michael Parkinson

What’s the story about Michael Parkinson?

Sir Michael Parkinson CBE, the legendary British broadcaster, and interviewer, died on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, at the age of 88. He had been suffering from a brief illness.


Parkinson was a national treasure and his interviews with a variety of the biggest names in the world, from Muhammad Ali to Sir Elton John, were legendary. His biggest regrets were never interviewing Frank Sinatra and the way that he managed the infamous Meg Ryan interview. He was a familiar face on British television for decades, hosting his chat show Parkinson for over 20 years.


Tributes to Parkinson include:

  • “I’ll miss a true friend. He was a true friend. Very special to me.” – Dickie Bird, former cricket umpire
  • “He was a giant of our industry, he was a great journalist, a great friend, and the talk shows – none of them have come near him since. He was just delightful company and a very modest man.” – Jimmy Tarbuck, comedian and TV presenter
  • “Loved that man. Having grown up watching him interview greats, my first appearance was impossibly thrilling for me. The genius of Parky was that unlike most people (and most of his guests, me included) he was always 100% himself. On camera and off. “Authentic” is the word I suppose.” – Stephen Fry, actor and broadcaster

Billy Connolly

Parkinson was relieved to have repaired his friendship with Billy Connolly. Parkinson unwittingly offended Connolly in 2018 when he said that he was “slowing down.” Connolly has a degenerative neurological disorder, called Parkinson’s disease, which affects movement. The loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain causes it. The symptoms of the disease vary from person to person, but they often include tremors, muscle rigidity, slowness of movement, and impaired balance.

They fell out over the comment, after being friends for years. Parkinson had given Connolly his big break when he first interviewed him on his show back in 1975. Parkinson was relieved to have been able to make up with Connolly after writing him a letter that said ‘there is no way in this world I would hurt you, or deliberately demean you’. Connolly replied by writing back ‘let’s go back to how we were, old friends’.

Prostate Cancer

Parkinson suffered from prostate cancer in the past. He underwent radiotherapy treatment for the cancer in 2013, and in 2015 doctors gave him the all-clear.


Lady Parkinson, Mary Agnes, survives Michael Parkinson, along with their three children.

Why should I care about this story?

Michael Parkinson was a household name in the UK for decades. His chat show was one of the most popular programmes on television, and he interviewed a variety of the biggest names in the world. He was also a respected journalist and broadcaster, and his death is a significant loss to the UK media landscape.

He was a national treasure.

Parkinson was a beloved figure in the UK, and his death has caused us sadness.

He was a pioneer of British broadcasting.

Parkinson’s chat show was one of the first of its kind, and he helped to define the format for other shows that followed.

He interviewed a variety of the biggest names in the world.

Parkinson’s interviews were always insightful and entertaining, and he brought out the best in his guests.

He was a role model for aspiring journalists and broadcasters.

Parkinson’s career was inspiring, and his death is a reminder of the importance of quality journalism.

Whether you were a fan of his chat show or not, Michael Parkinson’s death is a significant loss to the UK. He was a talented broadcaster and journalist who left a lasting legacy on the British media landscape.

(See a choice of Parkinson’s interviews at this outbound link to the BBC iPlayer (TV Licence needed to watch).


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